
Having being ‘employed’ albeit in a self employed capacity for a long time I have always been comfortable in doing what I did. I never felt stretched, I was capable of so many things. Always joking I was good at lots of things and a master of none.

This new me, who I am becoming, feels very different. I know where I am headed and my only regret is that I didn’t see it sooner. Then again maybe the universe wasn’t ready for me then. I now feel called to help others, to learn and stretch myself emotionally and mentally.

My journey started a long time ago when I suffered a huge trauma, one which I have now healed from, thanks to lots of support and therapy and finally 9D Breathwork.

Very occasionally I doubt myself and have the terrible case of imposter syndrome, I shouldn’t be here, I am not worthy, I can’t do this. Well actually I can and I will. Music is my daily healer.

9D Breathwork is just the beginning, next I am studying Reiki and also embarking on my Spiritual Coaching qualification.

My calling is to help others!

I cannot wait for you to follow my journey and find out what I am up to. I am slowly, but purposefully morphing!


News flash⚡


How did I come to be here?