News flash⚡

My husband read Mo Gowdat - Solve for Happy and it changed me! Hmmm how does that work?

Well in the book he (Mo) talked about no longer reading the news, as it was all negative - very true, but surely my life needs the news and I need to keep up with current affairs? Well these thoughts percolated through me and eventually I decided to delete Sky News which I had read daily for years.

You see the thing is, reading the news makes you sad and my point in not reading it is:

  • you cannot change it

  • you cannot influence it

  • you cannot (usually) help those in need - another blog to follow on The Ukraine

It only makes you and your personal day worse, definitely not better. I mean I was sad to learn that Matthew Perry died but I cannot change it, I didn’t know him and my life has not altered since he sadly passed.

Recently I read this fantastic article by Berenike Schriwer - click here

Her thoughts resonate deeply with me and as she says ”Humans are social creatures and if something important happens, they let others know about it”

I hope this is thought provoking enough for you to consider if the global news really needs to influence your lives daily.

