How did I come to be here?

One year ago I never envisaged being here, I was working in a school, looking after their business development and I loved it. It worked for our family and life seemed great.

Fast forward to April 2023 and it all came crashing down on me and the family. The school did something I vehemently disagreed with. And that was it, the beginning of the change.

We (our family) shortly went on holiday and I began to try and work out what it all meant and where my life was headed.

I made lists, did quizzes and frankly felt lost and confused! Since having children (and a pretty dramatic divorce) I felt I had lost my self worth and I didn’t have a clue who I was anymore.

I decided ‘I needed a job’ but felt unemployable, but sent my CV out to two agencies and within an hour I had interviews lined up, both for really good jobs. But I just wasn’t ‘feeling it’ but I went along to the interviews and got the first job without having to try too much. It seemed to easy so I turned it down and fought for the harder of the two jobs. 7, yes 7 interview stages, I flew through them all until number 6 and with a lot of time between holidays eventually I was asked to go in for interview 6.5 but by this stage I just felt something better was out there.

Roll on late August and my husband and I were looking for something different to do for date night and I knew of a friends sister who had started doing Breathwork. We had recently being doing FiiT breathwork and loved it but apparently this was wayyyyy better. So I called Sarah and booked us onto a private journey. We went in fairly blind, just knew that we would most likely enjoy it and what was there to loose?

Mind fucking blown!

2 hours later and I just knew that THIS was what I had been waiting for, I walked back to the car thinking THIS is it! And the rest they say is history!

