“ It is really difficult to find the words to describe how incredible this experience was. I am writing this a week after my journey with Louise and the effects of it are still front and centre of my mind.

I feel present, centred, clear headed, uplifted and freer that I have done in a long time. I am very quickly aware if old unhelpful thought patterns and narratives that come up and now have the ability to move my mind easily to more helpful and empowering thoughts.

Bloody incredible really!

The actual journey itself was like nothing I have ever experienced and Louise’s guidance and support make it a totally comfortable and nurturing experience. My body felt like it was vibrating and floating and I experienced an utter bliss state at the end, I could feel the direct effects of the treatment strongly for days after.

What I am left with now if more freedom and peace in my thoughts and more self compassion and inner knowing of what is for me and what isn’t.

I have waxed lyrical about this incredible process to so many friends, it is such a powerful tool for wellbeing and mental health and I can’t wait to do another journey with Louise in the near future.”

— Michelle