“ ‘Letting Go’, for me, was pure catharsis. Something I’ve been trying to achieve for so long by myself, but with the amalgamation of trauma, and the stresses of every day life, my mind was in a constant state of chaos. It really is a feeling I can’t explain; the clarity, relief, and reconnection between mind and body. It was, for me, an outer body experience; I became the observer of my own thoughts, able to process and separate all notions amongst my scattered mind for the first time in years!

I am truly mind-blown. It’s as if, by magic, every single self-limiting belief and obstacle in the way of me putting all of my hopes and dreams into action were completely obliterated. And with that, every fleeting, unattainable aspiration of mine, was shattered into tiny, manipulable fragments. Stored right at the forefront of my mind in illuminating jars in order of priority, each accompanied with a spell to cast them into fruition.

I understand how far fetched this may seem; my brain basically became the BFG’s cave full of dream jars, but I urge anyone to give this a go. Delving deep into my subconscious was admittedly a scary concept, but Louise completely alleviated any worries I had. I felt comfortable and safe in her space. Thank you Louise for an amazing experience, I cannot wait for the next one!”

— Jodie